Mulberry, botanically termed as Morus Alba is a fast-growing flowering tree that belongs to the family Moraceae.
It ranges up to 20 meters in height and has, on average, a life span of 100 years. Being classified into various types such as Black mulberry, White mulberry; it is a blessing of nature commonly found in tropical areas of Asia, Africa, and America.
Is Mulberry Good Firewood
There are many considerable factors That make Mulberry Firewood Best such as the intensity of heat output, the standard of coal produced, density, and last but not the least; the quality of fragrance that prevails all around. Its Average BTU is 25 Million.
Have you ever imagined the happiness of getting fruity delights, along with by-products such as supreme quality firewood?
Coming to the core of this topic, let us begin with the most critical question: Is Mulberry good For firewood?
1. Mulberry Wood delivers Optimum Heat Output
Mulberry wood is dense and its combustion results in liberating extremely high heat. Statistical studies reveal that the energy generated as a result of burning this wood is equivalent to 25.8 million BTUs which is incredible. It ranks higher in the graph of luxury-grade heat-producing trees such as Beech and Oak.
Scientific research compares and analyzes the heat efficiency of various firewoods. The results show that Black locust ranks highest in the list with 29.3M BTUs per cord heat release. Mulberry has the 5th grade with 25.8M BTUs.
The interesting part is, Mulberry surpasses many other important trees that are commonly used for burning purposes, at the domestic level. These trees include Maple, Birch, Pine, Walnut, Ash, Elm, Cherry, etc.
2. Good Hardwood, Better Coaling
Mulberry wood is by nature Hardwood with golden brown color, and uniform texture and this hardness has a direct relation with the quality of wood. Therefore, Mulberry yields high-quality coals.
Coaling properties are important because it declares the duration of time for which the fire is going to burn. How smooth this fire lighting process continues, is also dependent on the coal quality.
3. Seasoning Time
Proper Seasoning of wood is a must when it comes to getting high-quality, sustainable, and long-lasting flame. The time span that this process takes is about 1 year.
4. Mulberry Wood has Sweet Fragrance
mulberry wood is dense, easy to split, and produces a fire that burns very hot & long. The aroma of Mulberry wood is a special feature as it is quite pleasing, refreshing, sweetish, and deep.
It works as an organic room freshener as well, and your home starts to smell great. This sweetness results when sugars present in Mulberry wood are fired. On the other hand, there are many varieties of firewoods such as Elm that have an unpleasant and pungent smell.
5. Non-Toxic Smoke
Another reason that makes Mulberry firewood successful on this planet is its non-toxic smoke. Many kinds of wood being consumed for lighting up a flame in the hearth are, unfortunately, unsafe and toxic.
The side effects may include eye irritation, congestion of the throat, and respiratory disorders on inhalation of smoke. However, Mulberry is a reliable option in this regard and it does not have stinking smoke as well.
6. Clean Burning
This factor is of great interest to fireplace users. Burning a fire for a longer period of time, with sizzling after effect is one thing. The other side will be horrible if you have to clean the mess on a daily basis. Good News here!

Mulberry wood does not make your place look terrifying and you won’t have to run an extra mile every day to manage its cleanliness. In this way, the aesthetic look of your home remains maintained.
With uses, come abuses. However, there are not many, yet you must be agile to save yourself from any potential risks. Although mulberry is an excellent firewood, it has got some demerits as well. Some precautions have been provided here to ensure your safety.
- Mulberry wood produces massive sparks that may prove damaging. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume it in indoor fireplaces.
- Mulberry gives out much more smoke as compared to Oak and Ash. But its heavy spark-producing capacity is lower than many other firewoods on the hit list. If we undergo the process of seasoning wood precisely, such disadvantages can be reduced to half.
- Mulberry is the correct pick for open outdoor and closed indoor fireplaces. This is done to prevent any kind of explosion that may prove fatal.
- Accumulation of amorphous carbon or soot is very common while dealing with hearths or chimneys. Mulberry wood, if seasoned properly, does not yield such harmful by-products. Therefore, reducing your efforts of cleaning chimneys and chances of a lethal outburst of fire.
- Ignite the Mulberry wood only when it is totally dried up. Mulberry is not an expensive plant but it costs you longer time periods of Seasoning. You have to be patient to take the advantage of high-quality wood. If you are performing this process from scratch, on your own – a moisture meter may help you in monitoring the degree of dryness in the wood.
Keeping in view all the aspects of an ideal Firewood, the research of this write-up infers that Mulberry, although underrated, makes perfect firewood for your hearth. Next time when you go camping, grab some Mulberry wood laying nearby and create your own spark!
The checklist provided below will make your concept crystal clear and help you make a better decision yourself. Some Best Qualities of Mulberry wood
- Sturdiness
- High Quality
- Low input
- Superb Output
- Cost-effective
- Efficiency
- Eco-friendly
- Nice After effect
- Uncluttered